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Angel investor, founder, coach, and early-stage VC. Former startup person, even more former lawyer. Fan of sci-fi, free speech, weightlifting, gaming, and the Enneagram. Based in New England but working remotely.

Nov 16, 20245 min read
Hard-earned truths I’ve learned about the universe
After almost 40 years on this earth, I’ve realized I started seeing the same patterns around me about life, the universe, and,...

Nov 28, 20203 min read
The dream high school curriculum to unfuck 2020
A friend asked me what high schools should teach to avoid or undo the current crisis in which we find ourselves. I think the ideal set of...

Nov 16, 20204 min read
You keep using the word “liberal:” it doesn’t mean what you think it means
If you think “liberal” and all the variations of “left” mean the same thing, let this be your wakeup call. Many things described as...

Jun 29, 202027 min read
This politically-correct witch-hunt is killing free speech, and we have to fight it
It’s only in a totalitarian state where everyone appears to agree on hard topics. If you look around you and see that, it means people...

Feb 3, 20204 min read
Startup trek, episode 38: Elementary, Dear Data
Season 2, episode 3, "Elementary, Dear Data" Lesson: only talk in a meeting if you have something useful to say This post is part of my...

Feb 3, 20204 min read
I’m an Accomplice for life (but part-time as of January)
TL;DR: I’m an Operating Partner at Accomplice as of January 2020. I’m a contractor, continuing to serve on boards, work with companies,...

Jan 23, 20207 min read
Fundraising? Don’t say these things to investors
Ten things investors really don't like to hear when you're fundraising

Dec 31, 20193 min read
Startup trek, episode 27: Where Silence Has Lease
Season 2, episode 2: “Where Silence Has Lease"
Lesson: most companies almost auto-destruct at some point

Dec 29, 20193 min read
Startup Trek, episode 26: The Child
Season 2, episode 1: “The Child" Lesson: the best way to understand a group of people is to immerse yourself in them (e.g., user testing)...

Dec 22, 20192 min read
Voicemail template for people who hate talking on the phone
For all the millennials, introverts, and members of the general populace who realize that it’s 2019 and technology has given us more...

Dec 1, 20195 min read
Startup trek, episode 25: The Neutral Zone
Season 1, episode 25: “The Neutral Zone" Lesson: tech obsolescence only gets faster This post is part of my ongoing quest to watch every...

Oct 24, 20193 min read
5 years of Rev Boston (and introducing the new cohort)
Rev has brought recognition and resources to top female talent in Boston since 2015. About twenty women per year, mostly all at the...

Oct 17, 20194 min read
Startup trek episode 24, Conspiracy
Season 1, episode 24: “Conspiracy" Lesson: if you get stuck, remember why you started and reevaluate This post is part of my ongoing...

Sep 26, 20195 min read
VC University (VCU) Review
Back in August I finished VC University (VCU), a program designed to teach venture finance. The course was new this year, so I figured...

Jul 1, 20193 min read
Founders Should Never Pay to Pitch
I’m writing this in a Lyft on the way to judge a startup pitch competition, and I’m pissed. So pissed that I’m knowingly getting myself...

May 20, 20195 min read
Startup trek episode 23: We'll Always Have Paris
Season 1, episode 23: "We'll Always Have Paris" Lesson: know the visionary - builder - operator spectrum: where are you? This post is...

May 16, 20194 min read
Startup trek, episode 22: Skin of Evil
Season 1, episode 22, “Skin of Evil” Lesson: figure out the positive things you value, and never let go This post is part of my ongoing...

May 13, 20193 min read
Startup trek episode 21: Symbiosis
Season 1, episode 21: "Symbiosis" Lesson: beware of single points of failure This post is part of my ongoing quest to watch every episode...

Apr 15, 20192 min read
Startup trek episode 20: The Arsenal of Freedom
Season 1, episode 20, "The Arsenal of Freedom" Lesson: sometimes all your junior employees need to do a task is a compliment This post is...

Apr 15, 20194 min read
Startup trek episode 19: Heart of Glory
Season 1, episode 19: "Heart of Glory" Lesson: your co-workers might be kinda weird outside work and that's fine This post is part of my...
If you're building something that feels like it's out of a scifi novel, I will probably love it. Tough, tech-heavy ideas are my thing. E.g., robotics, AR/VR, gaming, and the future of consumer health.
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